The repetitiveness of embroidering; the movement of the needle from back to front of the fiber and back again, these repetitive hand motions require focus, alleviate stress and instill a sense of the here-and-now such as in mindfulness.
Artist Aurora Molina and FIU professor Pip Brant as we share our thoughts while exploring the textile traditions that have brought about change in our world. We invite participants to learn and try out mending techniques that will help focus the mind while inviting conversation.
This workshop highlights the importance of social engagement for positive change, participation in community group workshops that require dedication, patience, and understanding social and textile traditions.
Register to join us on Zoom or follow along on Facebook live @frostartmuseum. Click here for some educational resources.
Image caption: Aurora Molina, b. 1984, Havana, Cuba, lives and works in Miami, Florida, Woven Destiny, Mixed media fiber, 2020, Courtesy of the artist and Bernice Steinbaum Gallery