Yuni Kim Lang

Comfort Hair

On View:
Wednesday, August 24, 2016 — Sunday, December 4, 2016


Yuni Kim Lang manipulates textiles to create dynamic sculptures that refer to traditional Korean hair pieces worn by women of high status. These historical hair pieces, also called gache, gained popularity in Korea during the 18th century, signifying the wearer’s social status.

In Comfort Hair, Lang uses the concept of the gache wigs as a way of interpreting her Korean heritage and contemporary societal norms. Her interest lies in how hair has been perceived as a sacred entity throughout the ages, treated as a sign of status, as well as subject to dramatic trends — and how such a thing can convey power and meaning.

Born in Korea, raised in China and now living and working in the United States, Lang uses her art to explore her diverse cultural heritage and define her own identity.

This exhibition was made possible through the generous support of the Jane Hsiao Asian Art Endowment.

Image Credit: Yuni Kim Lang,  Comfort Hair – Mapping 2, (detail) 2013, Digital pigment print, Photo: Tim Thayer, Courtesy of the Artist