Join us for an exclusive tour of the exhibition  Resonance/Dissonance, featuring six prominent artists from the de la Cruz Collection, Tracey Emin, Aida Ruilova, Quisqueya Henriquez, Sarah Morris, Beatriz Monteavaro and Susanne M. Winterling.

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Resonance is the quality of a sound that stays loud, clear, and deep for a long time. In music, resonating tones are notes, which compose chords, which, in turn, compose songs. But resonance is also a state of being. More than a physical process, resonance can be personal and purely emotional. For something to resonate, it must evoke something meaningful and important to a person, like an emotion, a memory, an image, an idea, or a belief.  Dissonance is a harsh, disagreeable combination of sounds; discord. In music it is characterized by clashing or unresolved musical intervals or chords. Dissonance is also a lack of agreement, consistency, or harmony; a state of conflict that cannot be resolved and can affect beliefs, emotions, and physiology.

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