Helen Venero Artist Lecture Series: Eli Sudbrack of Assume Vivid Astro Focus

Eli Sudbrack of Assume Vivid Astro Focus will discuss his most significant work in a self-described “Book Tour Lecture,” in which the artist walks the audience through key moments in the development of his immersive installations through the AVAF monograph. 

Grateful thanks to Agustin F. Venero and the Venero Family.


In the spirit of Assume Vivid Astro Focus, the Frost Art Museum asks you to create your own word combinations using the AVAF acronym, for example:

      - Accurately Vibrant Absurdly Fabricated
      - Alluring Visions Affect Film
      - Always Virtuous Always Freaky

Click the link below to participate in this collaborative endeavor. 


Eli's ArtworkArtistEli's Artwork