
Maria Thereza Negreiros

On View:
Wednesday, January 25, 2012 — Sunday, April 1, 2012


The Amazon River has inspired the work of Maria Thereza Negreiros since her childhood in Brazil’s tropical rainforest.

The rich colors, deep foliage and mysterious habitat full of birds, animals and strange vegetation have long fascinated artists and her personal experiences bring nature to life in monumental canvases handled with extraordinary virtuosity.

Her personal visual vocabulary speaks to the dangers of deforestation and the loss of beauty through colorful abstractions and shadowy imagery replete with references to the sensuous forms of mossy riverbanks and steaming jungle heat, and threatened by death from man and nature herself. 

Maria Thereza Negreiros was born in Brazil and lives in Cali, Colombia.

Curators: Francine Birbragher-Rozencwaig and Adriana Herrera.