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A portrait of artist Carolina Cueva standing amidst lush green foliage, illuminated by natural light
Visiting artist Carolina Cueva. Courtesy the artist.

The Frost Art Museum presents Tertulia Nights, an after-hours experience that takes place every second Thursday of the month. Tertulia Nights promotes an exchange of ideas and dynamic modes of creation and amplifies new voices, inviting local artists, scholars, and changemakers interested in engaging with the community in innovative ways.

This month we welcome visiting artist Carolina Cueva to Tertulia Nights. Drawing from her Quechua Indigeneity, Andean roots, and cross-cultural upbringing, she examines the complexities of her personal narrative, often navigating the spaces displaced by colonialism in Peru and her immigration to the United States. Through her intuitive art-making process, Carolina channels her experiences into evocative sculptures, drawings, paintings, and performances. Her primary medium, clay, serves as a conduit for storytelling, connecting us to the earth and weaving together untold narratives of Indigenous history and experience.

This event is free and open to the public, thanks to our partners at the Art Bridges Foundation. Bites and refreshments provided by our friends at Half Moon Empanadas and Tripping Animals Brewing.

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