Join FIU's 3 museums as we dive into our collections for a series of free family days. In this kickoff edition hosted virtually by The Wolfsonian, we're exploring how what we see on the outside is often different from what's going on inside—think about a mango, an orange, a building, a book, even people (even you!). Using pens, paper, and pipe-cleaners, work with your family to make your own globe that demonstrates how what we show others isn't always the full picture. 

Presented by Frost Art Museum, Jewish Museum of Florida, and The Wolf. 

Free and open to the online public | RSVP for kits and the Zoom link 

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Activity Materials 
Colored pens 
Colored craft paper* 
Pipe cleaners* 

*The first 50 RSVPs registered by September 28 will receive kits with these two less-common household materials in the mail (American addresses only) prior to the event.